
Here are the M Coupes currently listed on Ebay. Find more details and see more cars by clicking on “Sale Listings” above.

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  1. Michael Slayden
    February 18th, 2011 at 21:09 | #1

    Love the site. I find it quite useful in my search. I wanted to ask you a question but could not find any other way to get in touch with you. I drove a 99 coupe today. Should I have to stomp the clutch to the floor in order to shift smoothly? I had a 99 328 a number of years ago and the transmission was like butter. Ever hear of transmission issues on these cars? Thanks.

    • February 18th, 2011 at 22:38 | #2

      That’s pretty normal with this transmission and clutch. It has a really low engagement so all the action is near the floor. I missed a few shifts the first week or two I had my car, but then I got used to it and don’t even think about it any more. People have remedied it a variety of ways, but to be honest, once you drive it for a couple hours you’ll never think about it again.

  2. kody neeb
    June 2nd, 2012 at 09:16 | #3

    hey ive been driving an m coupe for about two years now, and would still like to hear of these remedies to be honest, doesnt bother me now, but hey a shorter shift why not.

  3. Joe
    September 6th, 2012 at 20:10 | #4

    I know you only do the M coupes, but here is an also rare 3.0 on eBay:

    Love your site, and your hard work!

    • September 7th, 2012 at 08:22 | #5

      Very cool! When I have the time, there will be a coming soon.

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